Adult Bay. seems to be a pirate bay. With so many free porn sites out there, finding one that doesn't rip you off is no easy task. But if you're a visitor to my page, you know I'll go through a brick wall if it means directing you to another site to give you breakfast.
And that's exactly what I've spent a lot of time providing expert reviews on. Today I'm going to focus on, a porn torrent site that guarantees free, high-quality porn from numerous file hosts. If you're in love with the idea of filling your hard drive with XXX content that spreads wider than a lover spreads his legs, I suggest you pay close attention.
For the record, I'm not a big fan of free porn sites. The industry needs to evolve, and free downloads are not the best way to do that. But that's my complaint. If you can get porn for free, you don't care about it. So I'm going to stop trying to be the moral policeman and just go about my business."
A modern and convenient view
Some porn torrent sites leave a bad impression when you first visit. However, Porn Bay has a welcoming appearance, and potential porn hunters are left in no doubt as to what kind of site they are visiting. The site is designed to guarantee an array of steamy content that will make your hands reach for your pants. The design is not particularly refined, but everything is so well arranged that even the dumbest individual will know where to click to get his hands on some mouth-watering fucking with the world's most popular fuckers.
The home page immediately greets you with gorgeous porn that looks like what you would normally pay your dirty money for. Everything is detailed, including file sizes, long descriptions and images, and one scene called "Wank It Now" explains that "you haven't felt the touch of a woman in a long time, you're going to love a good SHAG." Lucky for you, naughty nurse Charlie would love to fuck you for money ." I have a feeling you're going to like this a lot. Anyway, it means you know what you're getting before you push the button. After all, there's nothing worse than blindly downloading a video and finding out it's total crap.
Clicking on the thumbnail gives you a download option, which on this site will allow you to download from several file hosts, including RapidGator, UploadRocket and Uploadable. is a platform based on porn blogs, so everything looks like a blog, which also means that finding content is easier than getting your dicks out. True, the site doesn't give you a lot of functionality (like super search). Also, most of the content here is professional, but if you can live with that, that's okay. Ladies and gentlemen, it's pussy time.
Third-party sites suck.
Adult Bay's content is technically free, but since the site is not a content hosting site, youDisappointing.
Ads. Not enough to lose your hair, but you have to be prepared for annoying ads while you're on the site.
What do you think I should do.
Most of the content on this site is focused on the professional side, and while there's a decent collection of amateur torrents, it's not enough. Of course, I'd like to see more amateur content to diversify my experience.
Final thoughts.
Those who prefer torrents should check out They may not host porn on their servers, but these bastards sure know how to share it, and users can count on thousands of torrents filled with hot porn. With the exception of a few ads here and there, the site as a whole is decent and seems to be.
- Diverse content
- Loads of content
- Some Ads