Booloo Tube, aka booloo can be described as a huge orgy of porn videos. It is a lie-free aggregator of videos from major porn sites like XHamster, RC Porno, and many more, allowing you to cast a large net for what you are looking for. If you can't find it here, you probably won't find it anywhere else... Unless you are looking for something illegal, really weird or bizarre.
Now, a huge orgy in a video sounds good, but as you know, there are many different kinds of orgies. There are orgies like the orgy in Eyes Wide Shut, and there are orgies where doctors and politicians put on crazy owl masks and fuck 10/10 models and drink goat's blood. But there are other types of orgies. Other orgies are the ones where you and a bunch of hairy guys grab a six pack and pay Olga and her friends $20 to take them out behind the bar while dodging puddles of vomit. As for Bouloo, I have to say that it's not like "Eyes Wide Shut". It is just an old video dump.
Booloo has been around for a few years now, but in 2018 it feels quite dated. The layout and general look and feel is uninspired and there seems to be zero about which videos to feature. The site also has some performance issues, which I will get to later in this review.
The site gives zero fucks.
I would describe the layout as a series of vomit, but I feel like that sounds meaner than I really want to say. Honestly, I don't have any major problems with the layout. There are popular keywords at the top, a huge gallery of videos in the middle, and links to other porn sites at the bottom. At the top of the page are links to what I think are related sites - basically other porn sites, including a couple that are almost exact replicas of Booloo itself. It's very simple, straightforward, and easy - just like a bicycle chick in your memory town.
But frankly, "Vomit" does a very good job of describing the layout (if I do say so myself). No keywords, no videos, no porn links, no formatting of any kind, just thrown onto the page. This is something that really strikes a chord when compared directly to other major porn sites.
I suppose one could argue that who cares about that when you are trying to masturbate? And for the most part I agree with you. But I am ThePornDude and it is my job to give you all my professional opinion. Well, that's ok, but this is the only thing I'd deduct points for. It's not enough to just say "long hair, I don't care."
A bionic porn site that has everything.
This site has it all. From anal to oral, teen to grandma, male to shemale, you can find pretty much every category of pornographic video you can think of. This makes sense because this site collects videos from many other websites.
It is important to note that this site has videos and only videos. You will not find pictures, cams, comics, etc. Also, there is no community on this site. Signing up does not give you access to uploads, messages, favorites, or any of the other features that are common on porn sites. This site just wants you to come in, masturbate, and leave.
You may be thinking, "I don't care about that. You might think, "I just want to masturbate, what's wrong with this site? Well, I will explain the problems with this site later.
What I like
With the sheer number of videos out there, it's good to see you utilizing tags and keywords. There is so much content out there that keywords would be the best way to categorize all the content. It would also be nice to have tags clearly marked on all videos. That way people would be more inclined to search for the same keywords to find similar content. It gives us a better idea of how to be better porn searchers.
Mobile sites are well done and look much better than websites because of the limitations of the screen. The mobile site looks much better than the website due to screen limitations and is much the same except it is cleaner and I didn't have any major issues with it. I don't think I'll be using the desktop version very often, but I might stop by the mobile site if I want to find some fresh content.
I also like the lack of bullshit. It seems like a lot of websites these days are focused on adding as many bells and whistles as possible to show off their "features". I don't care about the features, the guys just want to watch porn. The creators of this site must feel the same way. Well, maybe they are lazy.
What I don't like
Well, I already checked the layout. Maybe the site creator should hire a fag or something to give it a more "female" taste. I mean, I'm not a big fan of sophistication, but seriously, this site is a Geocities piece of crap, I almost downloaded Netscape Navigator and remembered the good old days.
But the bigger concern is performance. This site does not have the best or most consistent performance. Sometimes the site runs smoothly, but I have also had some times where it just seems to freeze. Booloo really doesn't like it when you have multiple tabs open. I noticed when I had more than 2 videos running, I basically could not browse anymore until I closed the video. For a bastard who loves to jack off to 18 videos at once in a triple monitor in a porn setup, this posed some problems.
Also, there are some annoying pop-ups. I don't "hate" this site because it is more respectable about ads than other sites, but it is annoying to have to close the pop-ups every time you play a video. Porn sites are very shady and I am very sensitive to websites that smell like they are trying to inject spyware and shit into my computer. I generally feel pretty safe using Booloo, but the shitty layouts and pop-up ads never made me feel too comfortable.
Lastly, I know I admire the keywords, but the search feature isn't the best. I have found that I get much better results searching on Pornhub (which has a god awful search engine) than here for certain topics. For example, one way to try it is to search for "Indonesian" and see if you actually get Indonesian bitches, or Asian bitches in general. Unfortunately, the site just throws up a bunch of random Asian bitches, so the search isn't very sophisticated. I do like the jungle of Asian sluts though.
Clean it up for fuck's sake.
These assholes need to hire a UI designer or something on Fiverr. This site was a godsend 5 years ago but is rapidly becoming obsolete in this day and age. All content is centered with default fonts and minimal attention is given to graphics, colors, tables, and other shit. A young Indian programmer could make this shit up in an afternoon if he wanted to. But I'm sure there are porn purists out there who appreciate the bare-bones nature of this site, especially since this website goes back years.
Also, invest in a shitty server. I can tolerate a lot of things, but I can't tolerate slow porn, I've suffered enough of that crap using modem internet in the 90's. Performance was inconsistent so I had to update the site from time to time to get it working again. From what I could see, the site seemed to throttle when too many tabs were open. I assume this is to prevent DDOS attacks, if you guys get what I'm talking about. In any case, it is in pristine condition.
Salute to Booloo!
Taken as a whole, I think my analogy of a dirty orgy is a bit off. When it comes to porn sites, he's like the dependable uncle who can only type one finger at a time, but knows how to cook a good steak or fix a car. The world has passed him by and younger people may think he is slow and outdated, but he can bullshit with amazing effectiveness and there was a time when he was a godly hero in this country.
Hats off to (often misspelled as "boloo"), but seriously old man, if you don't get with the times soon, you'll find yourself underwater.
- Outdated layout