Fap Me If You Can. looking for a new porn site that focuses solely on getting you off? Well, you can't get much more fucking dull than FapMeIfYouCan.net. This free tube site has recently entered the game, but they already have an overabundance of all types of content in the category. If you're looking for something a little new and are tired of visiting the same old porn sites, give Fap Me If You Can a shot and see how hard it makes your cock. I could cum - are you up for the challenge, bro?
Browse through over 66 pages of porn stars and models.
One of the things that impressed me the most is how easy it is to browse by porn stars and models on this free tube site. The section is at the top of the home page labeled Porn Stars. Once you click on it you will find over 66 pages of porn stars you can browse through. If that level of useful shit doesn't make you want to take your cock out right here and now and get ready to stroke it, I have even better news for you: Fap Me If You Can also has a number of videos featuring specific porn stars on free tube sites It displays them.
For example, if you want to masturbate to Allison Rey (and who doesn't?), just find her in the Porn Stars section (which is alphabetical by default) and see how many videos are on her list. Alison Rey's listing shows a thumbnail (showing off that great ass), her name, and the number of videos (7 in this case). Right next to her is Alison Tyler's amazing boobs, and her video listing shows that Fap Me If You Can has 10 videos.
I hope you get the idea. While it would be helpful to sort porn stars and models by the number of videos available on free tube sites, alphabetical browsing is the best way to find the performers you want to watch. If you came to a free tube site with a plan to watch someone in particular, browsing in this section is the best fucking way to get excited about the hot bitch you crave. If you want to browse free tube sites mindlessly like a horny zombie trying to get his nuts off, well Fap Me If You Can.net makes it easy to do that as well.
List of Good Videos
One of the most important factors of any free tube site is how useful and functional its video listings are. it is unrealistic to say that Fap Me If You Can offers all the essential elements people need to make the right decision when choosing what pornography to watch, but in most cases free tube sites nail it in terms of making sure there is enough relevant information in the listing to know what you are getting before you click on it. Each video listing includes a thumbnail, title, date added, number of views, and likes is displayed.
But it's not perfect; ThePornDude would have liked to see the duration of each video. That way you can tell if the video you are about to watch is a full-length clip or just a teaser video. since browsing Fap Me If You Can.net, I have noticed that many of the tags are phrases consisting of two or more words, but written as one Because they are written as words (e.g., "Lisa Ann" instead of "Lisa Ann"), they may not match even though they match in the list.
I do not understand why Fap Me If You Can chose to utilize tags in this manner. There would have been no obstacle to putting in the appropriate spaces to make it easier to search the tag field. This is an issue that Fap Me If You Can.net should address and hopefully they will do something about it.
Diversity of category offerings
Don't think Fap Me If You Can has forgotten about all the corner dogs who enjoy browsing through the categories and finding videos that beat them on their way. When you want to take a look at the categories that will make you faster than a fast bullet in a tornado, jump to the top of the page and select a category. Here you will see the different categories that this free video site offers.
If you enjoy humiliating porn or want to laugh when you blow your load all over your device, immerse yourself in fantasy by watching unique categories such as POV, Vintage for you old fuckers, Funny for everyone else and jerk off alone! I'm here to help you. No matter what kind of porn you are in the mood to watch, chances are that Fap Me If You Can has the porn you are looking for. Browse by category and find unique categories that are hard to find on other similar sites.
Number of studios available to browse
Or maybe you don't want to browse by category at all. If you prefer to browse pornography by studio, you can do so just as easily as you can browse by category. To do so, go to the top of the home page again and select Studios.
You will notice that the studios page looks a lot like a section of tags. These are strictly studios listed, so browse through the list and find the studio smut from the studio you like the most. As with the tags section, you may want to browse through this section and use your browser's "search by page" feature. This is because many studios are listed as a single word (e.g., "miwifeshotfriend" instead of "wife's hot friend"), so you may not find them all. The listings are alphabetical and not huge (though extensive). Finding what you need should be as easy as reading the God page and scrolling up and down.
Fap Me If You Can.net is a free tube site that already has a decent selection of videos, categories, and tags to browse. The foundation is there and the site already has legs. It just needs to work harder to further expand what it offers and make it easier for visitors to find the content they want.