I love free porn tubes as much as the next guy, but let's be honest, after a while they get old. First of all, trying to find full length, HD scenes from professional studios on free porn tubes can be a real pain in the ass. You end up having to dig, sometimes for hours, to find one. Instead, most of the popular free sites like Porn Hub, Red Tube, and xHamster, you will most likely find a bunch of videos excerpted in two-minute clips from full videos. This is, of course, meant to encourage you to sign up for a premium membership, which tends to have a more expensive monthly fee.
Even if you do find some excellent free porn tubes that offer professional, full-length content from your favorite studios, they will not be nearly as up-to-date. Furthermore, you can't expect a free porn tube to have all the professional scenes. Of course, there is also the issue of copyright laws. And since most of these sites are largely crowd-sourced, this means that you can only access content that your fellow users have decided to upload and make available for viewing.
I don't like the idea of the fate of my penis being in the hands of someone else. Unless, of course, those hands belong to a beautiful, highly skilled porn star. Jinx Mays, for example, can use my penis any way he wants. I just shut up and enjoy it. But when it comes to my own pornography, I want to control what I can and cannot watch. I also like porn that consists of only the finest scenes and vixens.
So I tend to prefer paid sites over free porn tubes. Especially when it comes to more niche categories like anal. Given the choice between choosing from someone else's porn scraps or accessing a treasure trove of exclusive, top-notch professional anal porn featuring some of the hottest women in the galaxy, which would you choose?
Obviously, there are good reasons to use free porn tubes. The biggest reason is that it is free. So if you are not in a particularly financially stable place, this kind of site is a godsend (or more accurately, a wonderful gift from Satan). But if you have a little extra money and want the best, especially when it comes to a subcategory like anal porn, it's much better to find a great professional studio you love and pay a monthly fee.
There are many pay sites that specialize in anal porn. You may have already had the opportunity to try some of them on one of the free porn tubes you've been going to for years. However, when deciding which sites to subscribe to, having someone like me in your corner can help you test them out and make suggestions accordingly. I have tried almost every premium anal pay site on the market, and Holed is the one I keep coming back to.
High quality hardcore anal porn.
This is one of those cases where the name of the site tells you almost everything you need to know about it; Holed is a site that features beautiful women getting fucked in all three orifices. But at the end of the day, the emphasis is on the third orifice: ...... It's an opening that doesn't get a lot of attention. Yes, I'm talking about the forbidden orifice, the asshole.
Certainly, anal pornography is not for everyone. Some people yearn for a backdoor, some can't face the fact that they have the perfect pussy and it's never used, but those people can go away. They must just be frustrated because they have never had the privilege of hurting a slut's ass. Come to think of it, I seriously doubt that you have ever had that privilege either. However, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
From the moment you log in and enter the members area of Holed, you will immediately know that your money has been wisely spent. At the top of the page is the site's menu bar, which allows you to easily navigate throughout the site (choose from Home, Scene, Girl, Favorites, Live Cam, and Deal). Below that is a large slideshow banner to promote deals with partner pay sites. But that's not where you can get your money's worth.
Below this banner, you will see that you are not wasting any time at all, and under this banner you will immediately see the quality for which you have paid. Soon you will have at your disposal a large thumbnail of great anal porn scenes. These are the latest scenes from Holed. Each scene comes with upload date, average user rating (out of 10), ranking (compared to all previous Holed videos), and a quick link to the show's anal starlet (click on it to go to her own page). Beautiful ass, beautiful site design.
To access the site in another order, scroll down to the menu bar and click on "Scenes". A drop-down menu will then appear, and you can select either "Newest Scenes" or "Popular Scenes". You can now sort all of Holed's content by release date, popularity, number of views, or title (alphabetically). There is also a drop-down menu that allows you to easily filter for specific girls and switch between other affiliate sites (if accessible) such as Casting Couch X, Exotic 4K, Spy Fam, and Tiny 4K (what you can access depends on your membership level (access to which depends on your membership level).
It goes without saying that Holed is a huge archive of great anal porn that is well organized as well as well designed. Take advantage of the great site design, decide on a video (probably more than you would do so on a free porn tube... much faster, I'm sure), you will be brought to the page of that video. And the great design and high quality of the site does not diminish here. Not only do the videos play in perfect 1080p, but as you scroll down the video screen to continue browsing, the scene follows you as it plays in a little box in the corner of the page.
If you've spent any significant amount of time on free porn sites, you've probably wished for a feature like this. This is what I call luxury, folks. This is what happens when you pay for a great product, and with Holed, you won't lose your erection if you decide to look for another video thanks to this nifty design.
Fun Features to Grab Your Attention
In addition, Holed lets you enjoy community features. You can leave comments on scenes, converse with enthusiastic users, rate videos on a scale of 1 to 10 stars, choose emojis to react to videos, and have hilarious, Facebook-inspired reactions. Like!" (thumbs up for holding cock), "Love" (come cock on red background), "funny" (laughing cock emoji), "shocking" (incredible cock), "sad" (crying cock emoji), and "fuck you" (no cock this time, just middle finger) to choose from. The only drawback here. I would like to be able to filter scenes by reactions. I want to see porn that makes people sad.
As for the porn itself, it would be hard to find better quality anal porn. The girls are very sexy, fuck well, and the various angles and positions offered are professional grade. The typical format goes something like this: anal slut plays a little alone, plays with her asshole, rubs her clit, does whatever she needs to do to get ready; then there is a little gonzo style POV, usually a blowjob; then it is classic anal porn all the way to the end! . It's classic, hardcore fucking, with no bullshit scenarios to get in the way.
Overall, I think Holed is one of the best professional anal pay sites on the web. Great porn, great site design, sexy models. You really can't go wrong. My only complaint with this site is that I think they try a little too hard to sell other products after they already got your money (talking about partner sites, "deals", and their own cam site). I don't expect them to advertise beyond what you are paying for. But when you dig into all of the beautiful asses that get fucked in HD, it's not hard to see past that.
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