Fuck Yeah JAV Uncensored JAV Porn in HD. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are from, your ethnic background, the languages you speak, the places you have traveled, or what kind of girls you tend to date. If you are a living, fully functioning adult male with a penis and a heart, you have at one time or another wanked a Japanese girl. Please tell me I am wrong. Yes, you cannot, because you know you have.
And there is a reason for that. Japanese girls are among the most objectively beautiful women on the planet. You can't argue with that. Soft, white skin, sexy eyes, petite bodies, and tight little vaginas. I like that very much.
And I am not alone in that. Japanese porn is definitely one of the most popular porn niches in the adult entertainment industry today. Along with teen and taboo, Japanese porn is definitely one of the most popular (if not the most popular) ethnic niches today. A close second would be Latino porn (my personal favorite).
Censored porn. Get out of here...
However, one of my constant complaints about JAV (Japanese Adult Video) is the fact that it is often censored. Because of Japan's moral laws against obscenity, almost all porn coming out of Japan is censored.
And I don't know about you, but I can't stand to watch censored pornography. What's the point. It's like drinking non-alcoholic beer or smoking marijuana that has been drained of THC. You just don't get the desired effect.
And make no mistake, pornography is a drug too. That's why it's addictive, asshole. The difference between porn and cocaine is that the high that porn brings is an orgasm ... still, it's the same endorphins and dopamine pumping through your brain. I like cocaine too, but I wouldn't snort B12 or Advil. If I'm going to go to the trouble of putting powder up my nose, I don't want something that noisy unless it makes me feel like I'm a god for 15 minutes.
I feel exactly the same way about porn. If I can't see her there, how am I supposed to get a boner? If I can't see the fuck, then what's the point of watching porn in the first place. I would rather watch softcore movies on Cinemax or Showtime late at night. That's just humping, not porn.
So when I come to a new JAV site, the first thing I do is check to see if there are uncensored videos. In fact, you might be surprised at how many are uncensored. This is a terrible epidemic.
There are several sites that offer uncensored pornography. But even if they do, they are not always easy to find. They make it hard to find it. It's a bummer. But there are even fewer sites that deal exclusively with Japanese uncensored pornography. And these are the rare, almost mythical sites that you'll want to look for, the holy grail of JAVs.
Jav HD: Not a single video censored.
Well, ladies and gentlemen (or should I say ladies: ......) I might be more of a gentleman, to be honest), have no fear. I'd like to introduce you to javhd.com, a site where you can expect tons of high quality, uncensored, authentic Japanese porn in JAV HD. In other words, some of the sexiest girls in all of Japan are being fucked hardcore and vividly. The sexiest women on the planet are being defiled for you in crisp, blur-free, uncensored streaming video.
From the moment you arrive at JavHD.com, the site will look familiar to those who frequent free porn tube sites (and you will). The design and layout of the members area of this site is quite similar. At the top, there is a banner and a menu bar. Below that you will find several galleries of thumbnails divided into sections. First, you will find "Most Popular Scenes," "Best Live Cam Channels" (yes, Jav HD also offers its own video streaming service), "JAV HD Newest Videos" (a collage of thumbnails), "Hottest Japanese Idols," Most Popular Categories" and "Upcoming Scenes" at the bottom. So, basically, JAV HD seems to be designed to combine the excellent organizational elements of a free tube site with the quality and breadth of features offered by a typical paid porn site.
A menu bar at the top of the site makes it easy to navigate through the site. You can choose from Home, Videos, Models, Categories, Sites (links to recommended sites), Live Cams, and Hentai (takes you to the same page as the site). To the right of the menu bar is the members-only dashboard, which provides quick access to favorite videos, profiles, logouts, and more.
Missing or insufficient functions
The only user functionality is the ability to register video favorites. You can also register videos as favorites, but there is no comment section, so users cannot interact with each other. It is not absolutely necessary to comment on pornographic videos, but it is certainly a nice feature to have. Especially these days, it seems to be the standard to provide a social media element and community function, not just to watch pornography.
The comments section is not only helpful ("Hey, what else is this girl in?"), but it can also be fucking hilarious (if you don't believe me, check out the subreddit called r/Pornhubcomments...). So, needless to say, I was a little disappointed to see that feature missing.
But there are some great JAVs in JAV HD. And a lot of them. After all, that's not all a porn site should do. Isn't it unreasonable to expect a porn site to function as a social network? Is it really necessary? Why not? So fat lonely old men can get together and autistically talk about how hot they masturbated in the comments of porn. Call me old-fashioned, but it's hard to argue with the wonderful, HD, completely uncensored videos of hot Japanese girls on the Internet.
Furthermore, that's not to say that JAV HD doesn't offer special features. Of course, you can browse through the models on the site and say "Like! Dislike!" and "dislike" them. You can browse girls in order of most recent uploads, most viewed, or top rated. Each girl has her own page, which includes all her videos on Jav HD and some basic statistics (height, weight, bust size, dimensions, hair color, eye color, date of birth, birthplace, ethnicity, and official website link (if applicable).
My only complaint with this section is that there are several girls listed who do not have videos on Jav HD, and it would be nice if they would take the time to provide a little more background on the girls. After all, the models are the most important part of porn. I think it is only right to give these girls the respect they deserve.
But of course, neither of these missing elements taint my experience in enjoying the porn on this site. Just another example of what could be added to make this site better.
Overall, I love the HD, uncensored Japanese porn available on Jav HD. I think this site is well designed and very user friendly. Of course, the models are great. And the videos are great, good old hardcore porn at its best. However, I think JAV HD could do a little better in terms of the services it offers: ...... I think some of the community features could be expanded a bit more (meaning that they should be able to introduce some of them in the first place).
I also think it wouldn't hurt for Jav HD to revisit the AV Actresses section to check for any inconsistencies, and also to consider providing a little more information about the girls, if possible. But in the end, I love Jav HD. It is by far the best Japanese porn site I have visited. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you will continue to do so.
- Daily updates
- Good site design