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There are hundreds of porn sites and tubes, both premium and free, full of quality pornography. All of them, however, are self-contained. Some present only pornographic images, some present only videos, some present a mixture of both, and others present only a few niches of pornography, which means that they are not good enough. That's why we decided to introduce you all to a site as unique and sufficient as
Because on this site you can try any source in just a few clicks - YouTube, Xvideos, Xhamster, etc. You can download them. If you haven't heard of Porn Freedom yet, this is exactly what you need. There are no restrictions on finding content here, whether it's Chinese, white, Latino, hentai, anime, comics or black porn. As long as it's online, it's here. It's cool, really. So let's go undercover to see if there are more surprises waiting to be discovered.
Site info.
Statistically, is over 11 years old; it's owned by MR Masaki Hori, a Japanese-language site but based in the United States. It currently has 34,484 daily unique visitors, 206,904 daily page views and a total value of $298,080.00. It is also ranked 48,817 in the world according to Alexa rankings.
First impressions; well, I have to admit that it looks a little intimidating for newcomers, especially because the site's appearance is rather cramped and old-fashioned. After all, what adult site has a top page with thumbnails of old people and lots of text and links? No. Come to think of it, this is a site where you can pick and choose what you want and have fun. sites and how to navigate them
If someone decides to research or not research a god site based on how it looks, I don't know who would research Because personally, I wouldn't research it. The site is just long and boring. It just sucks, with a blank white background, a million sentences, and one thumbnail of photos that have nothing to do with the content. In my opinion, if you have no idea what the site is about, you can easily lose interest.
With that said, it's really wise to have language tags for English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, German, Thai, etc. There are also a number of sorting features that are useful for navigation. These include popular search lists and popular tags. And while there is no content on the site, it is loaded with links to erotic images and pornographic videos that users have previously searched for. Luckily, they're easily accessible through the images and videos buttons. Tip: If you don't have anything in particular in mind, have some lotion ready and dive into any section. Amateur photos, tones and fucks In other words, if you don't know what this site is about, you'll have to try a few things to find out. What's worse, there are a lot of pop-up ads that suddenly appear as you navigate the site, which can be very annoying.
What to do about it?
Basically, redesign the site, create an FAQ section to teach new users how to do certain tasks on the site, reduce the number of characters and add pop-up illustrations with thumbnails. You should also get rid of those damn pop-ups that completely ruin the user experience.
Conclusion. is probably the best overall erotic FR.
- Simple site
- Lots of Ads