Do you want the latest xxxx? Are you one of those people who prefer to download porno shit to your PC? Well, is mostly about that, but there are some other privileges you get by visiting this site. In most cases, you can say that this is also a porn site because all the videos you can download can be viewed online.
Now, there are a few things I must tell you before you visit this site, and if you are interested in a place that offers free streaming and premium downloads, then you have probably hit the jackpot. But since most of the videos here are intended to be downloaded, you probably want to know how it all works and if this place is worth its shit in the first place.
This is not your average porn site.
As soon as you open, you will see that this place does not resemble an actual porn site... But it looks like one of those cheap ass download places which is never a good thing. Honestly, they offer a lot of streaming options, but they look so bad that I'm not too amused.
They could have made the site look a little more appealing, but at this point I feel like a fucking broken record. Honestly, they could make the site look better if they wanted to.
Whether you like this place or not is really all up to you and whatever you are searching for is shit.
You may wonder who would download porn to their PC, but the answer is simple: get off your high horse. Not everyone can have a top-notch internet connection, not to mention, not everyone can have wi-fi everywhere (technically, it's almost possible), and with downloaded videos, you can fuck wherever you are.
I remember the dark days when you had to wait for a porn video to fully load in order to watch it. Because if you didn't, you had to wait for the damn buffering... And it always started buggy at the best part for some reason. If you are someone who still has to deal with that shit, this place will help you out.
On the other hand, there are so many different fetishes out there that I don't see why it's so weird to watch what you download... Many people collect their favorite porn videos on their PCs so they can have a fap stock whenever they want. Personally, I look for porn online, but if you like downloads as well, check out
This site is almost like a download place, even though you can watch the videos, so I'm assuming that streaming serves the simple purpose of telling you what a fuck the video offers. Some videos can't be streamed normally and some can't be downloaded: ...... I suppose it all depends on the videos you check out.
On top of the site, you can choose to watch the videos instead if you are not sure yet only listi.
The clips that are streamed are usually hard or low quality and I didn't come across any really good quality ones. However, most of the clips I downloaded were actually HD, so I guess that is the silver lining or what the fuck. There are loads of hot videos for you to go through, so take your sweet time when exploring.
The downloads are not free.
To download what is offered here, you need to become a premium member of one of the two download sites. But don't worry, the cost of that membership is not that expensive.
If you like to watch porn on your PC, this is definitely the place for you. I mean, most sites that offer HD downloads are not free and does not have so expensive memberships, so you may be able to test the shit they offer... Or don't. I really can't care what you do .
I have my doubts about the search options.
Frankly, I was glad to see some sort of search option in the first place, but since they are obviously not idiots when it comes to this, why didn't they include an actually good search option from the start? Including a simple category section with filters is not that difficult.
Well, there is a category section, but not that many tags to explore... They cover only the basics, which is pretty big, and that's about it. There are also clips, movies, sightlips, top sites, porn sites, etc... There are a few options, but they really don't help you find anything, so they are not worth mentioning.
So, should you visit or not?
I think most people get mixed signals as to whether is worth visiting, and I understand that. However, I think it is very simple. If you want to download naughty HD content to your PC and don't mind paying a few bucks to make it happen, then you will surely like what has to offer.
But if this place doesn't float your boat, or if you are searching for a site that has some real content, there are many other places I have reviewed and listed on my site instead. You are more than welcome to check out my exquisite list. If you are not too picky and like to collect porn on your PC, you will love
Do you want the latest xxxx? Are you one of those people who prefer to download porno shit to your PC? Well, is mostly about that, but there are some other privileges you get by visiting this site. In most cases, you can say that this is also a porn site because all the videos you can download can be viewed online. Now, there are a few things I must tell you before you visit this site, and if you are interested in a place that offers free streaming and premium downloads, then you have probably hit the jackpot. But since most of the videos here are intended to be downloaded, you probably want to know how it all works and if this place is worth its shit in the first place. This is not your average porn site. As soon as you open, you will see that this place does not resemble an actual porn site... But it looks like one of those cheap ass download places which is never a good thing. Honestly, they offer a lot of streaming options, but they look so bad that I'm not too amused. They could have made the site look a little more appealing, but at this point I feel like a fucking broken record. Honestly, they could make the site look better if they wanted to. Whether you like this place or not is really all up to you and whatever you are searching for is shit. You may wonder who would download porn to their PC, but the answer is simple: get off your high horse. Not everyone can have a top-notch internet connection, not to mention, not everyone can have wi-fi everywhere (technically, it's almost possible), and with downloaded videos, you can fuck wherever you are. I remember the dark days when you had to wait for a porn video to fully load in order to watch it. Because if you didn't, you had to wait for the damn buffering... And it always started buggy at the best part for some reason. If you are someone who still has to deal with that shit, this place will help you out. On the other hand, there are so many different fetishes out there that I don't see why it's so weird to watch what you download... Many people collect their favorite porn videos on their PCs so they can have a fap stock whenever they want. Personally, I look for porn online, but if you like downloads as well, check out This site is almost like a download place, even though you can watch the videos, so I'm assuming that streaming serves the simple purpose of telling you what a fuck the video offers. Some videos can't be streamed normally and some can't be downloaded: ...... I suppose it all depends on the videos you check out. On top of the site, you can choose to watch the videos instead if you are not sure yet only listi. The clips that are streamed are usually hard or low quality and I didn't come across any really good quality ones. However, most of the clips I downloaded were actually HD, so I guess that is the silver lining or what the fuck. There are loads of hot videos for you to go through, so take your sweet time when exploring. The downloads are not free. To download what is offered here, you need to become a premium member of one of the two download sites. But don't worry, the cost of that membership is not that expensive. If you like to watch porn on your PC, this is definitely the place for you. I mean, most sites that offer HD downloads are not free and does not have so expensive memberships, so you may be able to test the shit they offer... Or don't. I really can't care what you do . I have my doubts about the search options. Frankly, I was glad to see some sort of search option in the first place, but since they are obviously not idiots when it comes to this, why didn't they include an actually good search option from the start? Including a simple category section with filters is not that difficult. Well, there is a category section, but not that many tags to explore... They cover only the basics, which is pretty big, and that's about it. There are also clips, movies, sightlips, top sites, porn sites, etc... There are a few options, but they really don't help you find anything, so they are not worth mentioning. So, should you visit or not? I think most people get mixed signals as to whether is worth visiting, and I understand that. However, I think it is very simple. If you want to download naughty HD content to your PC and don't mind paying a few bucks to make it happen, then you will surely like what has to offer. But if this place doesn't float your boat, or if you are searching for a site that has some real content, there are many other places I have reviewed and listed on my site instead. You are more than welcome to check out my exquisite list. If you are not too picky and like to collect porn on your PC, you will love
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