What kind of "exotic" XXX content can you find on Palm Tube? If you've ever needed a free porn site that offers only the highest quality content, with nothing amateur or low-resolution, you'll be shocked to learn that there is a site called They are all about premium quality content, absolutely free. They offer the highest quality porn from professional studios for free.
Premium video completely free.
Now, if this isn't enough to entice you to visit the site and check it out, I don't know what else you could want. There are a huge number of videos on this site. You can scroll through pages and pages and pages, but you will never get to all of these great videos. They just keep coming up, so you can enjoy them as much as you want. And the best part is that it is completely free.
Some of the biggest names in pornography studios are here.
What I want to highlight is the amazing quality of these videos. Some of the porn actors and actresses in these videos are easily recognizable, and with studio models like the Brazzers also here, we know we're looking at top gun stuff here. I would venture to say Palm Tube is even better because it has content from multiple studios.
PalmTube is here to stay! Get ready to consume most of your server power.
It won't hurt your eyes, but it doesn't have a dark mode.
Now, let's talk a little about the design. First of all, you all know that I don't like it when the site is bright, because it makes it look like a darker site, which is not the case. But at least didn't go for a white background, instead they gave it a nice gray hue. Still bright, but not as bad as some of the other bullshit designs. The top navigation bar seems to work perfectly fine, and aside from the redundant home button that does the same thing as the logo right next to it, it looks like a pretty minimalist design.
Minimalist design gets the job done here.
Overall, the website design is quite solid. However, the thumbnails could use a little more spacing. However, I think there should be a little more spacing between thumbnails. Padding is never a bad thing as long as it is not overdone, but I have yet to see a site that does that.
The logo is nice and simple, and there are a lot of tabs on the right side, each with their own purpose. Honestly, there is no need to navigate from the home page. So by the time you have gone through all of these great videos, you can expect them to put a new batch on top. Some may argue that it's fine because only the best videos will show up on the front page. But what if you find those other videos more entertaining, you'll never know because there's no way to access
Check out all of these amazing porn stars and the videos they star in.
Also, on the Pornstars tab, you can take a look at all the sexy models featured on; there are some familiar faces here in all her glory, like Mia Khalifa. By clicking on any of these models, you will be redirected to a page where it is the only porn video starring that model. This can be quite useful if you are looking to watch a particular porn star and have no intention of watching anything else on this site.
You can't sort the categories alphabetically. Really.
There is also a category tab, which is probably the only way to get to all the content that gets shoved to the back of the page. There are many categories to choose from, so you will definitely find something to your liking, however odd your tastes may be. One thing annoying with its categories is that you may not have an easy time finding what you wanted to see since they are sorted according to popularity rather than alphabetically. Moreover, there is no option to sort the categories alphabetically. It's a shame.
Overall, even with the few shortcomings it has, is a great site that offers great premium content for absolutely no money. If you're a cheapskate, this website is probably going to be paradise for you. I honestly don't blame you, because I can't get enough of this great free premium content and I watch it day in and day has some of the best premium videos from every major porn studio you can imagine.