I had just seen the vajayjay in Pinaynae and was so excited that I couldn't wait to get home and start shaking my cock at the pictures. Luckily, I had some lotion on hand and was able to take care of it before the blue balls hurt me. Unfortunately, if I went back to that Starbucks, I would have been arrested, and I don't think that would have been quite fair. I did clean up afterwards, though.
But you don't have to be in a particular place to enjoy all that has to offer. That's the beauty of Internet pornography. Anyway, if you like Filipino women, you'll love this site! It's full of Pinay porn. It's only been online for a few months, but it's getting more and more visits every month; in September alone, it seems to have a million visitors, so it's sure to be a good fap. Come on, let's take a look.
Amateur Asians in the Philippines
Pinaynay has a very typical presentation for a free tube, with most of the top page covered with thumbnails of the latest content. The cute logo, with its brand name and luscious red lips superimposed, instantly evokes whispers of sweet words, hot breaths, kisses, and of course, sloppy blowjobs. Their motto is "The Best Filipino Porn Collection."
Since the Philippines doesn't have the professional porn scene that we see in the U.S., the collection here leans heavily toward amateur productions; even the well-known brands listed on the front page, such as TrikePatrol and AsianSexDiary, have their own collections of professional dirty movies and uncle out material that straddles the fine line between movies filmed with Asian girlfriends. The MommysGirl scenes on this page may seem out of place.
Amateur or not, I like the variety of kinks on display. There are Filipino couples batting in the bedroom, blond pinays covered in cream, cum swallowing Asian cuties, and some dangerous outdoor scenes in public parks. We also saw a Filipino cowgirl, a semi-professional lesbian shoot, and a short DIY blowjob video, but the girls' faces are blurred out to make it seem more scandalous. Also featured are a number of white men vacationing in the Philippine Islands.'s tag index is an extensive list of genres, sex acts, and kinks, as one would expect on the tube. Since the focus is on Filipino women, genres such as Pinay Sex Scandal, Filipina Amateur, and Kayatan are mixed in with the usual lesbian, doggy, dildo, and facials. No particular surprises here.
What kind of films? Stripchat ads appear in the center of the video player, so be careful to click the close button before proceeding. Otherwise, you will see a pop-up ad.
This review will discuss's VIP membership. It's free, removes ads, and gives you access to downloads; just join Discord and log in. Most tubes don't give you the option to remove spam, so if you are going to spend more than one or two fap sessions on this site, this is definitely something worth a minute of your time. I am not sure how they can fund the site without spamming, but I am not going to look a gift horse in the anus.
I found this movie to be one of the more polished videos on the site with professional lighting, expensive camera, and solid editing. A sexy Filipina in a bikini top and tiny shorts is sitting at a bowl of noodles when a guy comes over and starts spanking her as soon as she tries to eat. She stands up. He pulls down her shorts. She eats. He fucks; by the end of the 10-minute scene, she gives up the spankings and starts having sex on the floor.
It Just Don't Stop Quimmin'
By the time I finished watching the pansit sex video and typed the last few paragraphs, Pinaynay had added two more scenes. One is a very short, very amateur, very vertical video of a hot Filipina fucking a guy in a hotel room. The other scene is in a similar setting with Pinay fucking her boyfriend in a hotel room, but this one is a 26-minute TrikePatrol production with a cum exchange. After typing this paragraph, I hit the refresh button and discovered two more new releases.
This rapid growth is obviously a big selling point, and the reason why so many masturbators are flocking to this site, covered in lotion. On top of that, we now have some of the best Filipina tubes in the world, with an array of beautiful material and a focus on Asian women. When they claim to be the Best Filipina Porn Collection, they may be on to something.
It's a great distraction for horny guys. Do you know how hard it is to write a review with such a hard-on? I had to take a long, long break while I wrote this, because I was so busy writing it that I just couldn't stop. This is to get to the clarity after the nuts, where you can string two or more words together. But just looking at Pinay teens, MILFs, amateurs, and anal whores makes me horny again. It's a vicious cycle, that's for sure.
I don't like to recommend sites that are only a few months old, because free porn tubes go out quickly, and is an exception, because it has already established itself as a powerhouse in the world of free porn in the Philippines. If the collection is this good now, I can't wait to see how it expands in the coming weeks, months, and years.
- Dozens of new movies added daily
- Spam